Let me start by categorically stating that we are not going through a mid-life crisis. That ship has sailed! This is more than likely our second childhood 🙂
The reality is this – our daily lives are 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. We are unconsciously looking to work on something that will ignite our soul a.k.a, get us out of our office cubicles. Not that either of us work in cubicles. We spend most of our lives in and around trains (sometimes on!); but you get the drift of what I am trying to say………..
We have been getting our feet wet; trying different projects or at least toying with the idea of trying different projects during the past few years. Many entrepreneurs will tell you that the product/idea that they ultimately end up working on was not what they initially started tinkering with. Like cob, our idea developed organically over time. As engineers we see the possibility of having a pandora’s box of interesting problems that we can fix and more importantly, create!! We currently live in an HOA with its associated rules and regulations. Forget building stuff in our backyard; we aren’t allowed to dry our clothes in the sun.
This land on the other hand, will soon become our laboratory; the playground of our second childhood. I see our latent and unfulfilled desires to work on something creative, interesting and challenging being fulfilled by this project. The scope in many ways is undefined and the possibilities are endless. We will have to find unique solutions to fit our needs in order to execute within a limited time frame and budget. Humans are always desperately yearning to meet the conflicting needs of stability and excitement. Our day jobs give us the stability we need. PeachCobbLair will give us the excitement we desire.
I can’t believe I just wrote all that philosophical drivel! Maybe what I really need is some chocolate.