The seller has accepted our offer 🙂 We just received the signed contract documents back from the seller . This is definitely a date we will not forget -September 6th 2016!!! The settlement will be on October 7th 2016. It’s been a long journey. We started looking for land in 2013 and had almost given up hope on being able to find land that would meet our needs. In fact; we had decided to pause our land search if we didn’t find anything by October and here we are! Success! Sweet Success!

The timing has worked out perfectly since we just returned from a 10 day cob building workshop at the Cob Cottage Company located in Coquille, Oregon.  The people who attended the course were a diverse, interesting and eclectic bunch. It will easily remain one of our best vacation experiences. The workshop has definitely inspired us to seriously think about doing more physical labor amidst greenery and sunshine – just 2 weeks of working with mud has had a profound effect on our health, well being and outlook in general.  Here’s hoping our life is filled with more immersive vacations in the future……………….well; once we are done building our cob cottage of course.